How important is positive thinking to one’s work, life balance?

Virginia Bottega

How important is positive thinking to one’s work, life balance?

As the Biblical passage says “As a man thinketh, so is he” Taking charge of your mind is not only an important factor in ones ability to succeed in life but it is also a vital factor in keeping ones body healthy. As previously mentioned it is very important if you want to go anywhere in life.

Positive thinking is a key factor to manifestation i.e creating your dream job, your salary increases, performance bonuses, happy and fulfilling relationships –  as you begin to generate a higher resonance people cant help but be attracted to somebody who seems to exude “good positive energy”. This we create by keeping our Thoughts Positive. It becomes infectious.They say “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it!” Positive thinking enables you to manifest what you want, therefore you need to be aware of your thoughts and feelings.

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It is no other way. This is NOT philosophy, this is physics in the words of Albert Einstein.

Its normal to experience negative thoughts from time to time. Life is not a constant. We experience a range of emotions through any given day. This is what makes us human beings. We are here to experience it ALL. However keeping ourselves trapped in the negative emotions is what is not healthy for us. It is of course necessary for us to observe our emotions and better to say I’m feeling angry than to affirm I AM angry. Feeling angry or sad acknowledges that this is a feeling and this too shall pass. What’s important is for us to acknowledge the feeling, then the thoughts associated with that feeling and then to consciously and with awareness begin trying to move along the scale from say for eg sadness to happiness.

Your mind will always believe everything you tell it, so feed it FAITH, feed it TRUTH, feed it LOVE

Be willing to change
We are creatures of habit and fear change, the unknown
Positive thinking sets change in motion

Virginia Bottega